Since this is our first year, we know very little about what to expect, but we do know that we will be serving in several different areas, construction, working in an orphanage, medical/dental, and sewing.
We are currently meeting weekly as a team to pray, do a book study, and prepare for our week in Belize. Check back here for updates on our fund raising efforts and for prayer requests. We will do our best to update this site as well while we're in Belize.
Here are a few general prayer requests as we continue our trip preparations:
• Pray for God’s will to be done
• Pray for the health of the team and those with whom we come into contact
• Pray for spiritual revival to the country of Belize
• Pray for boldness
• Pray for united, loving and open hearts
• Pray for safe travel
• Pray for miracles
• Pray for energy
• Pray for patience
• Pray that through this mission our church and the people of Belize grow closer to God
• Pray that we continue to build strong relationships there
• Pray that our team and the Westminster Presbyterian team will be bonded by God