The first was titled "Moises is going back into surgery in 1 hour," and said the following
"Moises has a lot of swelling in his bowels which is not too abnormal after a major surgery.
Unfortunately this has put undo pressure on his lungs and kidneys.
Midday he had to be put on a ventilator to help him breathe.
They are going in to unstitch the stomach muscles to create more room and take the pressure off the other organs.
Instead they will now sew an adjustable mesh, something like Velcro that can be tightened down as the swelling drops over the next few days and eventually they will re-sew the muscles closed again.
This operation should take about an hour.
The doctor sees this as a small setback.
Magdalena keeps hanging in there. Lisa hanging with her."
Email #2:
The second was titled, "Surgery delayed till this moment," and said:
"It wasn’t until just now that an operating room opened to take Moses.
It is a little more complicated than I last reported.
Another part of the cause of his swelling is internal bleeding.
They have given him seven units of blood but very little has come out the drain which they put in during the last surgery.
Add to your prayers that they are able to find the leak and repair it."
Email #3:
Finally around midnight, Tim sent this final email of the evening titled, "cautiously optimistic:"
"Moises is now out of surgery
They found several places where blood was coming from any finished patching him up.
He is in much better shape now.
The doctor says he will be on the ventilator for 3-4 days until swelling drops and abdomen muscles resewn.
Magdalena and the small crowd sitting with her all all relieved now and will be able to sleep.
We spent the last 2 hours looking at photos and videos and retelling the story of Gods miraculous work and how his invisible hands have orchestrated an amazing chain of events that no one else could have planned or even imagined.
A Happy Magdalena sits behind me now giving the good news over the phone to her husband and children who have been keeping watch….waiting for this good word."