Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moises Update, July 29, 2009

Joy overflowed today.
The special bandage and suction device was taken off today.
Gauze and tape now cover the skin graft area on his abdomen. I didn't get
to see it as I hoped I would but Moises described it in great detail. He is
fascinated by all the medical things that happened to him.
But the really exciting part today was that they capped his IV line and he
was freed to move about without any medical machinery. And Lizzie, his
Child Care Specialist arranged for him to go outside today for over an hour.

As soon as he was disconnected from the medical machinery Moises put on his
new cowboy boots and hat grabbed his scooter and took off down the hall of
the pediatric ward.
I wish I had the capability to send video so you could see his amazing speed
and balance. Next we went to the park and fed the ducks, we played on the
slide at the playground, and we went to a new Mexican ice cream store where
they had lime juice and mango ice cream. The great joy is mixed with a
little sadness because everyone can see his time with us here in the states
is about to come to an end. There is talk about him moving out of the
hospital next week into the Ronald McDonald apartments as they begin the
transition back to normal family life.

Me, no sadness here. I'm about to go down to Belize and maybe be there to
greet them when they get off the plane.
Tomorrow our staff in Belize meet with Moises' father to finalize the plans
for the addition on their home, and then, we jump in and see how far we can
get before they arrive back in Belize.
Another $900 for the house came in today.
A local children's clothing store delivered three new outfits for each
member of the family.
And the local volunteers here prepare to go to Belize on August 9th to help
with construction on the house.
More volunteers are welcome. Give me a call.

Tim Tam

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moises Update

More good news

I am happy to be able to report that Mo

ises is recovering well from the surgery and boy is he hungry!

The doctors say he can eat whatever he wants, though greasy and spicy foods might not agree with him at this time.

During his stay in the hospital he grew tomatoes and strawberries in the hospital courtyard.

Yesterday we went out to check on the tomatoe

s and they went right into his mouth.

His strawberry crop had already come and gone, but one of the hospital staff brought him a box of fresh strawberries and

 he devoured half the box while I stood beside him.

Moises has become a fixture in the pediatric ward.  It still may be a month or two before he

 returns home but the staff are already feeling sad about the thoughts of Moises leaving.  No such thoughts for me though.

  With all the time I spend in Belize I assume our friendship will continue.

Now - Help is Needed

When Moises first cam

e to the states there was an outpouring of generosity far beyond what was needed.

We kept telling

 people all their needs were met, just need prayers.

But now as we begin to think about Magdalena and Moises return there are

 some needs that I would like to share.

Magdalena is expected to give birth to a new baby in November. There are some lab fees from the

 obstetrician we need to take care of ($300).

At some point we will need to purchase plane tickets. And the other thing I have in mind is to surprise Magdalena with an add

ition onto her house.

Housing for the poor is a regular part of our ministry in Belize.  In the past few years we have built nearly 20 houses.  Often times the house's a

re for people we don't even know, they just happen to be the neediest in a given community.  So it seems all the more appropriate for us to help with the housing of 

one we know so well.

Currently the family abides in a space approximately 10 foot by 10 foot.  It is a cemen

t slab with wooden walls and a metal roof.  There is no running water, only a deep well with a ro

pe and bucket.  Of the 9 children, seven sleep on the floor and the two smallest ones in a hammock.  Once Magdalena gives birth to her fourth child in November, together with her husband's six childre

n from a previous marriage, this will mean 12 people total sharing this tiny 10 by 10 living space.

What I am proposing is to begin a fund for this building project If we're able to supply the funds for building materials the hou

se can be built with volunteer labor from the local community in Belize and perhaps some

 volunteers from the states as well.

In summary your help is needed for:


        1. Obstetrician bill

        2. Plane ticket expense

        3. Donations for building fund

        4. Volunteer labor between August 1-15

        5. Keeping this a secret from Mois

es and Magdalena!


Keep in mind for

 any donation you make to The Word at Work.

100% of your gift goes directly t

o the needs expressed.

All donations are tax deductible.

Tim Tam

The Word at Work

1400 Wolflin Ave

Amarillo, Tx 79109

Office: 806-342-3600

Cell: 806-671-9673

Visit website