The special bandage and suction device was taken off today.
Gauze and tape now cover the skin graft area on his abdomen. I didn't get
to see it as I hoped I would but Moises described it in great detail. He is
fascinated by all the medical things that happened to him.
But the really exciting part today was that they capped his IV line and he
was freed to move about without any medical machinery. And Lizzie, his
Child Care Specialist arranged for him to go outside today for over an hour.
As soon as he was disconnected from the medical machinery Moises put on his
new cowboy boots and hat grabbed his scooter and took off down the hall of
the pediatric ward.
I wish I had the capability to send video so you could see his amazing speed
and balance. Next we went to the park and fed the ducks, we played on the
slide at the playground, and we went to a new Mexican ice cream store where
they had lime juice and mango ice cream. The great joy is mixed with a
little sadness because everyone can see his time with us here in the states
is about to come to an end. There is talk about him moving out of the
hospital next week into the Ronald McDonald apartments as they begin the
transition back to normal family life.
Me, no sadness here. I'm about to go down to Belize and maybe be there to
greet them when they get off the plane.
Tomorrow our staff in Belize meet with Moises' father to finalize the plans
for the addition on their home, and then, we jump in and see how far we can
get before they arrive back in Belize.
Another $900 for the house came in today.
A local children's clothing store delivered three new outfits for each
member of the family.
And the local volunteers here prepare to go to Belize on August 9th to help
with construction on the house.
More volunteers are welcome. Give me a call.
Tim Tam