"Tears of joy shower down today all over Belize City and beyond.
It started with me today when my wife called and gave me the word that Baptist Saint Anthony Hospital in Amarillo Texas has agreed to receive Moises as their patient. It took me a while to stop crying so I could begin to share the good news with others. Our God once again hears the prayers of his children and brings hope to the hopeless. For the past several days I have been fused to the phone and my computer. A network of caring people, friends connecting with friends all over the United States nonstop, thousands of emails, everyone striving to secure help for this little guy who refused to die. I lost track of the number of hospitals and medical facilities who were contacted and are considering our case. Even now many are in the midst of a decision process, waiting for boards and committees to cast their vote. But now, help has arrived and we must act while there’s still time.
Perhaps on Thursday, at least by Friday, a private jet will arrive in Belize to transport Moises, his mother and his Dr. to Texas even faster than a commercial airline. BSA Hospital in Amarillo is fully equipped to handle the case. If however the possibility surfaces for one of the major children’s hospitals to take the case, BSA will be happy to redirect the patient to wherever he can receive the best care.
Early this evening I went to the hospital with Jackie and Marta Woods to share the good news with Moises and his mother. Unbelievable joy has pushed away all the sorrow in their rooms. And Moises is showing new energy and great improvement. Only days before, one of the nurses from Accolade Home Health Care (www.accoladehomecare.com) secured the TPN that was desperately needed to get nutrition into his body. Cars from distant cities drove through the night to hand off the medicine to a mission team from boulder Colorado bound for Belize who then rushed it to the hospital at the moment they arrived. The results were almost immediate. Tonight we noticed that the sores on his scalp and arms were now healing. There is new life in his eyes. But here is what blew my mind…… Perhaps you remember from the last alert we sent out that Moises spoke of a Angelic visitations, a man dressed in white who was helping him. Here we had come to the hospital to tell them they were about to go to the United States, and his mother shared that he already knew it. She awoke in the night to find Moises sitting in the chair next to the bed. He has not been out of his bed for many weeks. The "man who had been helping him" told him that he needed to get ready to go. Moises got out of bed while his mother slept. He bathed himself with wet wipes and put lotion on his skin. He put Vaseline in his hair and combed it and then sat in the chair ready to go. She didn’t know what to think of it other than that she was glad he was gaining strength and, though it little bit shaky, was able to walk around.
At this point what needs to happen is....
-A massive offering-up of thanks to God for his mercy on this little one
-Continued prayer for god’s healing and protection
-Raising a little bit of money to help defray the fuel costs of our generous benefactor who dropped everything in order to make this happen
Thank you one and all,
Tim in Belize
Tim Tam
The Word at Work
1400 Wolflin Ave
Amarillo, Tx 79109
Office: 806-342-3600
Cell: 806-671-9673
Visit website www.twaw.org"
This picture was taken just recently and shows Moises, his mother, and Tim Tam:

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