Yes, it finally happened. Today Moises walked out of the hospital. They gave his life back to him. He arrived in Amarillo inches from the deaths door. Today he is a happy and healthy boy again. For the next two weeks he will be at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital. For the next two weeks his skin graft will be monitored. He will get to experience some of the fun things Texas has to offer while we fatten him up for his return to Belize. There were many touching moments today as he said goodbye to his doctors and nurses, watered the flowers and vegetables he planted in the courtyard, gave flowers which he had planted months ago to all of his nurses, and moved his belongings to his last temporary home here in Amarillo at the Ronald McDonald House.
He pulled up his shirt many times today to display the scar is on a stomach. He had been told that after the skin graft he would no longer have a belly button. Yet he was so excited to show off the fact that he still had a portion of a belly button.
Tomorrow I will be in Belize checking up on our building project at his home. I hate to leave them at this point but in a couple weeks I will get to come back and bring him and his mother to their new home in Belize, still a surprise.
His older sisters ages 14 and 15 started school today thanks to the gifts of you all. This is a summer school program to get them ready for high school in September. This was an exciting day for them too. More dreams coming true. So many good things are coming out of something painful, and I know this is just the beginning.
If you were wondering, we're still looking for more help with the house. If you can help please contact me. TT
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