Today was the last day with the wonderful women and staff of Y.E.S. and it is hard to believe that our week here in Belize will be ending soon. We shared a wonderful day together at Banana Bank where we got to enjoy horseback riding and swimming. For many of the girls this was their first experience in riding on a horse and learning how to swim. We also shared a delicious family style meal together of fried chicken, beans and rice and coleslaw. It was very clear to see what God was trying to share with us today. The friendships and trust that had begun to develop between the girls and the team this week was a reminder to many of us why we continue to come back to Belize and support Y.E.S. year after year.
This is our ninth year supporting Youth Enhancement Services and what we have seen and experienced is people matter to God. In order to bring others to a relationship with Christ, we must first be willing to engage in relationship with them ourselves. We have seen lots of changes over the past nine years, but one thing that stays the same is the genuine friendships and trust between Y.E.S. and FPCA.
John Carr (the owner of Banana Bank) works to get two of the girls up on his horse for a photograph..
Poolside relaxing...
Trying to tame a set of birds...

Here is the group at the end of the fun day, getting ready for the drive back to the city.
Tomorrow morning we will be heading out to St. George's Caye to spend some time reflecting and processing through all we saw and experienced God doing this week. Please continue to pray for the team as we spend this final time together.
Praise God for the way He works through friendships like this with YES and FPCA!