Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Update from TWAW

April Update from TWAW
Happy Spring from The Word at Work
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Lisa enjoying time with grandson, Silas!
A message from Tim Tam
Dear friends,
     I want to give you all a personal update on how prayers are being answered and how our status has changed since the accident.  The date of the accident was Feb. 27, just over 5 weeks ago. Lisa and I are in a long-term acute care hospital, just three rooms apart from each other.
     Lisa has overcome so much ... 6 vertebrae fused in her back, broken wrist and multiple ribs, injured sternum and heart, pneumonia and major brain trauma.  About 10 days ago she started breathing on her own. Tubes were removed and she began talking but not always making sense or recognizing family.   Five days ago they were encouraging us to look into specialized brain trauma facilities in Denver, Dallas, and Houston.  Then, three days ago, it was as if a switch had been flipped. They wheeled Lisa into my room sitting up in a wheelchair. She is back!!!!!!!!! Talking, joking, remembering everyone and almost everything.  She had been flat on her back for over five weeks and now she is all smiles and every day her mind is sharper. Therapy folks today said they notice positive improvement not only from one day to the next but even as the day progresses.  Today we did physical therapy at the same time - she was pedaling a bicycle type machine. While she was taking a break I put her on the phone with her mother; their first time to talk since the accident.  Her mom has been worried sick and we were only able to give her assurances for weeks since Lisa had not been conscious or coherent. But today and from this day forward they can chat with each other any time. Also today they gave her liquids and a cracker to test her swallowing. She did extremely well so it won't be long before she is back on solid food and the feeding tube to her abdomen removed.
     As for me, changes with Lisa have done great things for my attitude.  Still healing up from breaks in wrist, ribs, and leg.  The big issue with me is infection at the surgery sight on my leg.  After my surgery I had been to physical rehab and back to my house thinking I was literally home free.  But twice since then they have had to re-open the leg in order to clean out infection.  Now I am receiving aggressive antibiotic treatment (4 - 6 weeks) praying that infection does't return.  As for mending the leg, I have to keep off weight for at least four more weeks. I am doing physical therapy daily and will expand on that once I am able to put weight on my leg.
     Kenny Logan's wife, Tina, has also had a remarkable recovery from her auto accident in Belize which occurred just eight days after ours.  A little over a week ago it looked almost certain that her arm would need to be removed.  But all of that has changed. New flesh was generated. 95% of skin grafts took immediately.  Yesterday she left the hospital and she and Kenny will be staying with friends here in Amarillo.  She will be under observation for a couple of weeks to be certain all is well before returning with Kenny to Belize.
     We are so grateful to God and to so many Doctors, Nurses, friends and family members.  I can't imagine how to adequately express our gratitude and indebtedness.  But I dare to ask, your prayers have gotten us this far, please continue to pray for:  Tina's arm; Lisa's mind and body; me to overcome this infection; Godly insight for each of us through this ordeal.

Editors Note:  Lisa's recovery has been miraculous -  keep up with her progress at, visit the page: lisatimtam.  While there you may also visit Tina's page, tinalogan1 for updates on her progress.

TWAW Board Members

David Mullin, Chairman 
Ron Allen 
Paul Cunningham
Gene Day
Dan Gallo
Cindy Wall
Ben Whittenburg
Geoff Wright

It's easy to become a monthly supporter of The Word at Work!  Simply download this form and FAX it back to our office:  806.342.3603.  Mollie Fields is happy to answer any questions!

Fantastic Spring Break Despite Hardships

     I will admit that boarding the plane in Amarillo on March 7, after just receiving news of Tina Logan's car accident, was a challenge.  It had already been an exhausting week since the Tam's accident.  Tim Hagen, Kenny and I were preparing to handle the leadership of three teams in Belize without Tim Tam.  In one phone call, it became Hagen and I coordinating them.  Over and over I heard God's spirit whisper, "Do you trust me?"
     There was so much to thank Him for as he provided everything we needed to do His work.  While we prayed and were hopeful for our friends health and progress in the USA, God made sure we were covered in Belize.  Long-term volunteer Kent Sappenfield was already in Belize and was able to take lead with the group from Arlington and their work at Youth Enhancement Services (YES) and at the new mission center at 8-Mile.  Long-term volunteer Marilyn Stewart answered every call and request we made to facilitate our WPC Lubbock, TX and Crosswinds Hobbs, NM teams desire to go deeper and meet more of our Belizean partners.  Short-term volunteer Kjell Redal had one answer to every question (well, two), "Sure I can" and "What else can I do to help?"  Our team members (from Texas, New Mexico, Tennessee, representing many denominations) were incredibly understanding and ready to help us in any way as we navigated those 12 days. 
     John & Caroline Carr and the wonderful staff at Banana Bank, one of our favorite team lodging locations, took awesome care of us; over and over I heard it was like being in paradise.  John Woods and his family and staff along with Kenny Logan's family made sure we had everything we needed at Old Belize, an establishment where we lodge our teams while working near Belize City, and they opened doors for our music ministry to minister at the prison.  Richard Smith and his staff provided resources, guidance, and spiritual support for the musicians and coordinators of the Belize Gospel Expo 2013.  Maria & Pedro Perez led groups through the Belize Sewing Partners locations; they even opened their home to a large group of us for refreshments and to hear more about this vital outreach.  Jose Valencia humbly stepped in and helped lead the construction team in the Valley of Peace that put an addition on Marynella's home.
     At each and every turn, God provided the right people, resources, wisdom, and guidance to make Spring Break 2013 an amazing time in Belize.  And laughter - He made sure we were able to enjoy His presence!  The people in Belize are welcoming, loving, and kind.  So many asked about Tim, Lisa and Tina - they offered their prayers and their love.  Thank you, Father, for providing so many reasons to trust you.             --Mollie Fields

Many from the Arlington Team with the gals at YES.
The team from First Presbyterian Arlington spent time with the gals at YES, tye-dying shirts, doing crafts, laughing, and getting to know each other better.  The team also worked on a construction project at the YES compound.  Evenings were spent with the young people at 8-mile, worshiping, playing basketball, making kites, and deepening relationships.
Team members pray over the fairgrounds before the Expo begins!!
Team members pray over the main stage area before the Belize Gospel Expo 2013 begins.  Roughly 25 musicians from the USA came together in Belize for the first time to perform Bluegrass Gospel and Praise & Worship music - the group Durant also shared their unique acapella style throughout Belize and everyone loved it!  The groups performed in schools, churches, children's homes, the prison, at a park in Belize City, and at the Expo in Belmopan where many Belizean churches gathered in a first-of-its-kind ecumenical meeting.  Belizean performers led worship, and we were even treated to a presentation by the King's Children's Home Singers!  Speaker Steve Sexton and special guest artist DJ Nicholas were also featured, encouraging churches in Belize to work together for God's glory.  John Carr and Richard Smith's team from My Refuge did an incredible job bringing the Expo together.
Some of Marynella's children outside the new addition to their home in the Valley of Peace.
Pictured  here are several of Marynella's children outside their home in the Valley of Peace.  We are grateful to an Amarillo group who provided the funds for this much needed addition to their home.  Work was also completed on Santiago's house in the VoP, with the installation of windows, doors, and more.
Volunteers sort through donations at Banana Bank to prepare them for distribution throughout Belize.
There was something for everyone to get involved in each day.  Here, volunteers sort through donations  -  the last step in the Redemptive Recycling process, as items are prepared for distribution throughout Belize.  The completion of the mission center at 8-mile will allow TWAW to have a central storage and distribution location.
See and share more photos from spring break 2013 at the Belize Sojourn Facebook Page.

Christian Sewing Partners of Belize - Music School Expansion
     Our Business Development Coordinators, Pedro and Maria Perez, have been extremely busy opening new centers and expanding existing ones where women learn skills which will enable them to take care of their families.  Particularly encouraging is a potential contract with an organization from the US called peepods.  This company provides washable period and incontinence pads for women.  Their mission also seeks to empower women in the manufacture of the pads, and the director, Amber Givens, was recently in Belize to inspect the seamstresses work and to further work out the logistics of having the pods made in Belize.  It was especially exciting to have Ms. Givens there when two US Embassy personnel were touring the Christian Sewing Partners facilities as they consider a grant for which the organization has applied.  If awarded, the grant would pay for the purchase of industrial machines for 6 - 8 centers, leading to the commercialization of the products created by the women there.  This would be a great step forward for all involved!
     One group in San Ignacio has also begun an outreach to husbands of the women who are learning to sew.  The men are learning how to grow food to feed the children in their village - including rabbits, chickens, and the like.  This program could feed 86 children, 35 of whom are fatherless or orphans.  
     Additionally, the Partners are pleased to see the seeds of a Music School continue to grow!  In it's second year, there are 19 young and not-so-young musicians who are developing their gifts.  The vision is for this group to become a true worship orchestra to play at Belize events and to help cultivate worship leaders.  Donated musical instruments are making their way to Belize, and we hope to continue to bring musicians to help lead and develop this group - along with others as an outreach from the existing sewing centers.
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