Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today was an amazing day at YES (Youth Enhancement Services).  It was wonderful to be able to see the girls open up as relationships build and barriers begin to break down.

We began our day with praise and worship. On Wednesday, Lisa shared with the girls the story of Mary, mother of Jesus. She did an incredible job highlighting Mary's struggles with loneliness, tough circumstances and how to handle struggles. She gave a passionate invitation for the girls to receive the gift of salvation.  On Thursday, Laura shared on the woman at the well and how we are all seen as the same in Jesus eyes. The highlight of the morning was when she shared a part of her faith story encouraging each of the girls that each one of us can identify in some way with this woman.

Following the devotion time, the team passed out Bibles to each one of the girls and spent one on one time in prayer over the Bible and for them. You could definitely see how the Holy Spirit interceded and one girl made the step of accepting Christ into her heart today.

In the arts and crafts, Mimi, Isobel, Gayle and Michelle finished helping the girls sew all of their bags and the girls were so excited to be able to put their Bibles inside them to take home. While Colton, Hailey, Ann Marie and Oghosa painted t-shirts for the girls to wear on our field trip to Banana Bank tomorrow.

Zachery , Johnathan and Caroline worked diligently in the scorching heat to just about complete the chicken coop for the YES school. They have named themselves the official "COOP GROUP".

We are looking forward to a great day on our field trip to Banana Bank tomorrow!

Please pray over the following:

On Friday 3/13 – pray for the team, the girls and the staff at YES as we travel to Banana Bank for a field trip. The girls will have an opportunity to swim or perhaps even ride a horse. Pray for continued friendships between the team and the girls and staff. During this time away from school, pray that they will feel God’s presence in the fun day.  Pray that they will enjoy the day and not feel weighed down by their current troubles.

P.S.  We will add pictures as Wifi and time allows!  Keep checking back for more updates.

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