Monday, March 9, 2015

We made it to Belize!!

Yesterday turned out to be a little more eventful than we expected.  Our connecting flight out of Houston was delayed two hours due to mechanical issues.  We landed in Belize a little after 5 PM, which meant it was no longer possible to make it to church in time.  So we got settled in at Old Belize, our lodging for the week, had dinner and a brief worship time with our team before calling it a day.

Today we are meeting with some youth leaders from Pickstock church for a day of outreach activities in the community known as 8 Mile (or Western Paradise).  Pickstock is a kids church in Belize City and it's attendees are all children and youth from one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city.  This church of children and youth has been praying over and lead to begin reaching out to another community, Western Paradise (we know it as 8 Mile).  The connections here are all God orchestrated as The Word at Work has been focusing on  the 8 Mile community for a couple of years and has been praying over leadership that can establish a church in the area.  And now Pickstock and their pastor Phillipa are doing just that!  They began going door to door in 8 Mile in early February and have since outgrown two buildings for church attendance!

You may specifically pray for the following –
On Monday 3/9 – strength and perseverance as we support an event in the neighborhood at 8 Mile with children; pray we are able to share God’s love with the children
Also pray that the rain will lapse between 10AM 1PM so the activities can actually happen!  It is raining now as I type!

Check in again later today for more updates.  Lord willing we will try to post something each day.

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